+++ fragment = "hero" #disabled = true date = "2020-12-01" weight = 50 background = "light" # can influence the text color particles = true title = "Aroy" subtitle = "I am a hobby programmer and artist." [header] image = "header.jpg" [asset] image = "logo.svg" width = "500px" # optional - will default to image width #height = "150px" # optional - will default to image height [[buttons]] text = "Portfolio" url = "/portfolio" color = "info" # primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, link - default: primary #[[buttons]] # text = "Download" # url = "https://github.com/okkur/syna/releases" # color = "primary" [[buttons]] text = "Blog" url = "/blog" color = "primary" +++