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This portfolio and blog serve as a window into the creative and technical pursuits of a feline enthusiast with a passion for both code and canvas. copyright: Copyright © 2023 - Design & Content by Aroy license: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. post_share: True breadcrumbs: true to_top_button: True comments: True # Set to true to fix some problems if built wih Netlify´s build system onNetlify: false # Set how to format the date, eg; "2006-01-02", "Monday, Jan 2, 2006" dateFormat : "2006-01-02" # RSS Feed settings RSS: fullContents: True rssLimit: 100 # Cookie-Box settings cookies: enable: true expire_days: 90 ################################################################# ############################ Plugins ############################ plugins: css: # css plugins - link: /plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css - link: /plugins/nerd-fonts/nerd-fonts-generated.min.css - link: /plugins/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css - link: /plugins/slick/slick.css - link: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto+Mono:ital,wght@0,100;0,300;0,400;0,700;1,100;1,300;1,400;1,700&display=swap - link: /plugins/lightbox/lightbox.min.css js: # js plugins - link: /plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js - link: /plugins/jquery/jquery-3.6.0.min.js - link: /plugins/slick/slick.min.js - link: /plugins/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js - link: /plugins/masonry/masonry.pkgd.min.js - link: /plugins/lazy-load/lozad.min.js - link: /plugins/lightbox/lightbox.min.js ################################################################# ######################### Social Icons ########################## # Nerd Fonts icon pack : https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet social: - icon: nf nf-dev-git_branch link: https://git.aroy-art.com - icon: nf nf-fa-github_alt link: https://github.com/Aroy-Art - icon: nf nf-md-matrix link: https://matrix.to/#/@aroy:matrix.aroy-art.com - icon: nf nf-md-shark link: https://fedi.aroy-art.com/@aroy #- icon: nf nf-fa-twitter # link: https://twitter.com/AroyArt #- icon: nf nf-fa-reddit_alien # link: https://www.reddit.com/user/Aroy-Art/ #- icon: nf nf-fa-instagram # link: https://www.instagram.com/aroy_art22/ sketchfab: enable: true text: I am also on img: /images/logos/social-logos/sketchfab-logo-text.png link: https://sketchfab.com/Aroy-Art itchio: enable: true text: Find my Game Jams on img: /images/logos/social-logos/itchio-logo-white.svg link: https://aroy.itch.io utteranc: enable: true repo: Aroy-Art/Aroy-Art-Site-Comments issue_term: pathname label: Comment theme: dark-blue ################################################################# ########################### Markup ############################## markup: defaultMarkdownHandler: goldmark goldmark: extensions: definitionList: true footnote: true linkify: true strikethrough: true table: true taskList: true typographer: true parser: autoHeadingID: true autoHeadingIDType: github attribute: block: false title: true renderer: hardWraps: false unsafe: true # Set to "true" if you need to use raw html in blog posts xhtml: false highlight: anchorLineNos: true codeFences: true guessSyntax: true hl_Lines: "" lineAnchors: "" lineNoStart: 1 lineNos: false lineNumbersInTable: true noClasses: false style: fruity tabWidth: 4 tableOfContents: endLevel: 3 ordered: false startLevel: 2 ################################################################# ############################ Outputs ############################ outputs: home: - HTML - RSS ################################################################# ######################## Navigation bar ######################### menu: main: - name: Blog pre: "" url: blog/ weight: 1 - name: Portfolio pre: "" url: portfolio/ weight: 2 - name: About Me pre: "" url: about/ weight: 3 - name: Contact pre: '#' url: contact weight: 4 # more: # - name: Archive # pre: "" # url: archive # weight: 3 # - name: Link Tree # pre: "" # url: link_tree # weight: 1 ################################################################# ###################### Language Settings ######################## Language: en: languageName: EN languageCode: en-gb contentDir: content weight: 1 home: Home copyright: Copyright © 2022 #################################################################