baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-gb" title = "Wisnuwiry" theme = "personal-site" summaryLength = 10 [Author] # Used in authorbox name = "Aroy" bio = "" avatar = "img/avatar.png" job = "Hobby programmer and artist." gender = "male" email = "" [Params] subTitle = "Personal site, Blog, and Portfolio" description = "I am a hobby programmer and artist." images = ["img/avatar.png"] copyright = "Aroy-Art" # Copyright holder, otherwise will use .Site.Title opengraph = true # Enable OpenGraph if true twitter_cards = true # Enable Twitter Cards if true mainSections = ["post"] # Set main page sections dateFormat = "January 02, 2006" # Change the format of dates # customCSS = ["css/custom.css"] # Include custom CSS files customJS = [] mainMenuAlignment = "right" # Align main menu (desktop version) to the right side authorbox = true # Show authorbox at bottom of single pages if true comments = true # Enable comments for all site pages related = true # Enable Related content for single pages relatedMax = 5 mathjax = false # Enable MathJax for all site pages hideNoPostsWarning = false # Don't show no posts empty state warning in main page, if true fontUnit = "em" largestFontSize = 2.5 smallestFontSize = 1 googleSearchConsole = "" # GoogleAnalytics = "" # fb_admins = # fb_app_id = paginateLength = 5 # adsenseId = # Google Search custom, more info: customSearchId = "004021659876411083349:a2ysxpichpc" endMessagePost = "Wrong content? " # Link repo to edit content editContentPageLink = "" # Formspree form contact id, more info: formspreeId = "" [Params.Hero] title = "A Personal Site By Aroy" desc = "Welcome to my Blog :)" [Params.Entry] meta = ["date", "categories"] # Enable meta fields in given order toc = true # Enable Table of Contents tocOpen = false # Open Table of Contents block. Optional [Params.Featured] previewOnly = false # Show only preview featured image [Params.Comments] repository = "" # Repository to host your comment, ex: username/repo # Navigation bar [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "Post" pre = "📝" url = "/post" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] identifier = "Snippet" pre = "⚒️" url = "/snippet" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] identifier = "Project" pre = "🚧" url = "/project" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] identifier = "About" pre = "😃" url = "/about" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] identifier = "Contact" pre = "🤙" url = "/contact" weight = 5 [Params.Breadcrumb] enable = true # Enable breadcrumb block globally homeText = "Home" # Home node text [Params.Social] # twitter = "jhon-doe" # telegram = "jhon-doe" # instagram = "jhon-doe" # linkedin = "wisnu-saputra" github = "Aroy-Art" # gitlab = "jhon-doe" # medium = "jhon-doe" reddit = "" [Params.Share] # Entry Share block facebook = true twitter = true reddit = true telegram = true linkedin = true pinterest = true # Web App Manifest settings # # [Params.Manifest] name = "Aroy" shortName = "Aroy" display = "standalone" startUrl = "/?utm_source=homescreen" backgroundColor = "#8dc153" themeColor = "#1da1f2" description = "Personal Site By Aroy" orientation = "portrait" scope = "/" [outputFormats] [outputFormats.MANIFEST] mediaType = "application/json" baseName = "manifest" isPlainText = true notAlternative = true [outputs] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "MANIFEST"] enableRobotsTXT = true # Pagination Paginate = 3 # Code [markup] defaultMarkdownHandler = "blackfriday" [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.extensions] definitionList = true footnote = true linkify = true strikethrough = true table = true taskList = true typographer = true [markup.goldmark.parser] attribute = true autoHeadingID = true autoHeadingIDType = "github" [markup.goldmark.renderer] hardWraps = false unsafe = true xhtml = false [markup.blackFriday] angledQuotes = false footnoteAnchorPrefix = "" footnoteReturnLinkContents= "" fractions = true hrefTargetBlank = false latexDashes = true nofollowLinks = false noreferrerLinks = false plainIDAnchors = true skipHTML = false smartDashes = true smartypants = true smartypantsQuotesNBSP = false taskLists = true [markup.highlight] codeFences = true guessSyntax = true hl_Lines = "" lineNoStart = 1 lineNos = false lineNumbersInTable = false noClasses = false style = "dracula" tabWidth = 4 [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 6 ordered = false startLevel = 2