/** * Created by mohamnag on 11/02/16. */ $(document).ready(function () { var filesBaseUrl = ""; var fileListElement = $("#file-list"); var fileItemElementTemplate = fileListElement.find("li").detach(); function renderFileElement(directory, fileName, fileType, fileSize, fileDate) { var fileItemElement = fileItemElementTemplate.clone(); fileItemElement.addClass(fileType); fileItemElement.find(".file-name").text(fileName); if (fileDate) { fileItemElement.find(".file-date").text(moment(fileDate).fromNow()); } if (fileType === "parent") { // navigate to parent dir fileItemElement.find(".file-link").click(function () { navigateTo(directory); }); } else if (fileType === "directory") { // navigate to sub dir fileItemElement.find(".file-link").click(function () { navigateTo(directory + fileName + "/"); }); } else if (fileType === "other") { // nginx returns symlinks as type other, // lets try to follow the links fileItemElement.find(".file-link").click(function () { navigateTo(directory + fileName + "/"); }); } else { // just file dl fileItemElement.find(".file-link") .attr("href", filesBaseUrl + directory + fileName) .attr("target", "_blank"); } if (fileSize) { fileItemElement.find(".file-size").text(fileSize); } return fileItemElement; } function getParentDir(path) { if (path.length <= 1) { return null; } var lastSlashPos = path.lastIndexOf("/", path.length - 2); var parentDir = lastSlashPos >= 0 ? path.substr(0, lastSlashPos + 1) : null; return parentDir; } function renderFileList(filesData, path) { var sortBy = $('input[name=sort]:checked').val(); if (sortBy === "date") { console.log("sort by date"); filesData.sort(function (fileA, fileB) { return fileB.mtime.getTime() - fileA.mtime.getTime(); }); } else if (sortBy === "name") { console.log("sort by name"); filesData.sort(function (fileA, fileB) { return fileA.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(fileB.name.toLowerCase()); }); } fileListElement.empty(); var parentDir = getParentDir(path); if (parentDir) { fileListElement.append(renderFileElement( parentDir, "..", "parent" )); } filesData.forEach(function (fileData) { fileListElement.append(renderFileElement( path, fileData.name, fileData.type, fileData.size, fileData.mtime )); }); } function navigateTo(path) { console.log("navigateTo", path); isNavigating = true; $.ajax({ url: filesBaseUrl + path, success: function (filesData) { filesData.map(function (fileData) { fileData.mtime = new Date(fileData.mtime); fileData.size = fileData.size ? fileSize(fileData.size) : null; return fileData; }); renderFileList(filesData, path); $('input[name=sort]') .unbind("change") .on("change", function () { renderFileList(filesData, path); }); if (history.replaceState) { // IE10, Firefox, Chrome, etc. console.log("replaceState", path); history.replaceState(null, path, '#' + path); } else { // IE9, IE8, etc console.log("change hash", path); window.location.hash = '#!' + path; } isNavigating = false; } }); } function sizeOf(bytes) { if (bytes == 0) { return "0.00 B"; } var e = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, e)).toFixed(2) + ' ' + ' KMGTP'.charAt(e) + 'B'; } function fileSize(bytes) { var exp = Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024) | 0; var value = bytes / Math.pow(1024, exp); if (exp == 0) { return value.toFixed(0) + ' bytes'; } else { var result = value.toFixed(2); return result + ' ' + 'KMGTPEZY'[exp - 1] + 'B'; } } var isNavigating = false; function navigateToUrlLocation() { var requestedPath = window.location.hash; var startPath = requestedPath ? requestedPath.substr(1) : "/"; navigateTo(startPath); } if (history.replaceState) { window.onpopstate = function () { if (!isNavigating) { navigateToUrlLocation(); } }; } navigateToUrlLocation(); });