Fork 0

Init: Notes app phx project

This commit is contained in:
Aroy-Art 2024-09-03 09:47:17 +02:00
parent a60a05bab4
commit f47aedfb67
Signed by: Aroy
GPG key ID: DB9689E9391DD156
38 changed files with 2772 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import_deps: [:ecto, :ecto_sql, :phoenix],
subdirectories: ["priv/*/migrations"],
plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter],
inputs: ["*.{heex,ex,exs}", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{heex,ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs"]

Elixir/notes_app/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# The directory Mix will write compiled artifacts to.
# If you run "mix test --cover", coverage assets end up here.
# The directory Mix downloads your dependencies sources to.
# Where 3rd-party dependencies like ExDoc output generated docs.
# Ignore .fetch files in case you like to edit your project deps locally.
# If the VM crashes, it generates a dump, let's ignore it too.
# Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix archive.build").
# Temporary files, for example, from tests.
# Ignore package tarball (built via "mix hex.build").
# Ignore assets that are produced by build tools.
# Ignore digested assets cache.
# In case you use Node.js/npm, you want to ignore these.
# Database files

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# NotesApp
To start your Phoenix server:
* Run `mix setup` to install and setup dependencies
* Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phx.server` or inside IEx with `iex -S mix phx.server`
Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please [check our deployment guides](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/deployment.html).
## Learn more
* Official website: https://www.phoenixframework.org/
* Guides: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/overview.html
* Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix
* Forum: https://elixirforum.com/c/phoenix-forum
* Source: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import "tailwindcss/utilities";
/* This file is for your main application CSS */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// If you want to use Phoenix channels, run `mix help phx.gen.channel`
// to get started and then uncomment the line below.
// import "./user_socket.js"
// You can include dependencies in two ways.
// The simplest option is to put them in assets/vendor and
// import them using relative paths:
// import "../vendor/some-package.js"
// Alternatively, you can `npm install some-package --prefix assets` and import
// them using a path starting with the package name:
// import "some-package"
// Include phoenix_html to handle method=PUT/DELETE in forms and buttons.
import "phoenix_html"
// Establish Phoenix Socket and LiveView configuration.
import {Socket} from "phoenix"
import {LiveSocket} from "phoenix_live_view"
import topbar from "../vendor/topbar"
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
longPollFallbackMs: 2500,
params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}
// Show progress bar on live navigation and form submits
topbar.config({barColors: {0: "#29d"}, shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)"})
window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-start", _info => topbar.show(300))
window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-stop", _info => topbar.hide())
// connect if there are any LiveViews on the page
// expose liveSocket on window for web console debug logs and latency simulation:
// >> liveSocket.enableDebug()
// >> liveSocket.enableLatencySim(1000) // enabled for duration of browser session
// >> liveSocket.disableLatencySim()
window.liveSocket = liveSocket

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// See the Tailwind configuration guide for advanced usage
// https://tailwindcss.com/docs/configuration
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin")
const fs = require("fs")
const path = require("path")
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
brand: "#FD4F00",
plugins: [
// Allows prefixing tailwind classes with LiveView classes to add rules
// only when LiveView classes are applied, for example:
// <div class="phx-click-loading:animate-ping">
plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-click-loading", [".phx-click-loading&", ".phx-click-loading &"])),
plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-submit-loading", [".phx-submit-loading&", ".phx-submit-loading &"])),
plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-change-loading", [".phx-change-loading&", ".phx-change-loading &"])),
// Embeds Heroicons (https://heroicons.com) into your app.css bundle
// See your `CoreComponents.icon/1` for more information.
plugin(function({matchComponents, theme}) {
let iconsDir = path.join(__dirname, "../deps/heroicons/optimized")
let values = {}
let icons = [
["", "/24/outline"],
["-solid", "/24/solid"],
["-mini", "/20/solid"],
["-micro", "/16/solid"]
icons.forEach(([suffix, dir]) => {
fs.readdirSync(path.join(iconsDir, dir)).forEach(file => {
let name = path.basename(file, ".svg") + suffix
values[name] = {name, fullPath: path.join(iconsDir, dir, file)}
"hero": ({name, fullPath}) => {
let content = fs.readFileSync(fullPath).toString().replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "")
let size = theme("spacing.6")
if (name.endsWith("-mini")) {
size = theme("spacing.5")
} else if (name.endsWith("-micro")) {
size = theme("spacing.4")
return {
[`--hero-${name}`]: `url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${content}')`,
"-webkit-mask": `var(--hero-${name})`,
"mask": `var(--hero-${name})`,
"mask-repeat": "no-repeat",
"background-color": "currentColor",
"vertical-align": "middle",
"display": "inline-block",
"width": size,
"height": size
}, {values})

Elixir/notes_app/assets/vendor/topbar.js vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* @license MIT
* topbar 2.0.0, 2023-02-04
* https://buunguyen.github.io/topbar
* Copyright (c) 2021 Buu Nguyen
(function (window, document) {
"use strict";
// https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671
(function () {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"];
for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame =
window[vendors[x] + "RequestAnimationFrame"];
window.cancelAnimationFrame =
window[vendors[x] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] ||
window[vendors[x] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback, element) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
var id = window.setTimeout(function () {
callback(currTime + timeToCall);
}, timeToCall);
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (id) {
var canvas,
progressTimerId = null,
fadeTimerId = null,
delayTimerId = null,
addEvent = function (elem, type, handler) {
if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
else elem["on" + type] = handler;
options = {
autoRun: true,
barThickness: 3,
barColors: {
0: "rgba(26, 188, 156, .9)",
".25": "rgba(52, 152, 219, .9)",
".50": "rgba(241, 196, 15, .9)",
".75": "rgba(230, 126, 34, .9)",
"1.0": "rgba(211, 84, 0, .9)",
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)",
className: null,
repaint = function () {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = options.barThickness * 5; // need space for shadow
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.shadowBlur = options.shadowBlur;
ctx.shadowColor = options.shadowColor;
var lineGradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvas.width, 0);
for (var stop in options.barColors)
lineGradient.addColorStop(stop, options.barColors[stop]);
ctx.lineWidth = options.barThickness;
ctx.moveTo(0, options.barThickness / 2);
Math.ceil(currentProgress * canvas.width),
options.barThickness / 2
ctx.strokeStyle = lineGradient;
createCanvas = function () {
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var style = canvas.style;
style.position = "fixed";
style.top = style.left = style.right = style.margin = style.padding = 0;
style.zIndex = 100001;
style.display = "none";
if (options.className) canvas.classList.add(options.className);
addEvent(window, "resize", repaint);
topbar = {
config: function (opts) {
for (var key in opts)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) options[key] = opts[key];
show: function (delay) {
if (showing) return;
if (delay) {
if (delayTimerId) return;
delayTimerId = setTimeout(() => topbar.show(), delay);
} else {
showing = true;
if (fadeTimerId !== null) window.cancelAnimationFrame(fadeTimerId);
if (!canvas) createCanvas();
canvas.style.opacity = 1;
canvas.style.display = "block";
if (options.autoRun) {
(function loop() {
progressTimerId = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
"+" + 0.05 * Math.pow(1 - Math.sqrt(currentProgress), 2)
progress: function (to) {
if (typeof to === "undefined") return currentProgress;
if (typeof to === "string") {
to =
(to.indexOf("+") >= 0 || to.indexOf("-") >= 0
? currentProgress
: 0) + parseFloat(to);
currentProgress = to > 1 ? 1 : to;
return currentProgress;
hide: function () {
delayTimerId = null;
if (!showing) return;
showing = false;
if (progressTimerId != null) {
progressTimerId = null;
(function loop() {
if (topbar.progress("+.1") >= 1) {
canvas.style.opacity -= 0.05;
if (canvas.style.opacity <= 0.05) {
canvas.style.display = "none";
fadeTimerId = null;
fadeTimerId = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
module.exports = topbar;
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function () {
return topbar;
} else {
this.topbar = topbar;
}.call(this, window, document));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Config module.
# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
# is restricted to this project.
# General application configuration
import Config
config :notes_app,
ecto_repos: [NotesApp.Repo],
generators: [timestamp_type: :utc_datetime]
# Configures the endpoint
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
adapter: Bandit.PhoenixAdapter,
render_errors: [
formats: [html: NotesAppWeb.ErrorHTML, json: NotesAppWeb.ErrorJSON],
layout: false
pubsub_server: NotesApp.PubSub,
live_view: [signing_salt: "He9WNGLS"]
# Configures the mailer
# By default it uses the "Local" adapter which stores the emails
# locally. You can see the emails in your browser, at "/dev/mailbox".
# For production it's recommended to configure a different adapter
# at the `config/runtime.exs`.
config :notes_app, NotesApp.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Local
# Configure esbuild (the version is required)
config :esbuild,
version: "0.17.11",
notes_app: [
~w(js/app.js --bundle --target=es2017 --outdir=../priv/static/assets --external:/fonts/* --external:/images/*),
cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__),
env: %{"NODE_PATH" => Path.expand("../deps", __DIR__)}
# Configure tailwind (the version is required)
config :tailwind,
version: "3.4.3",
notes_app: [
args: ~w(
cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)
# Configures Elixir's Logger
config :logger, :console,
format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
metadata: [:request_id]
# Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{config_env()}.exs"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import Config
# Configure your database
config :notes_app, NotesApp.Repo,
database: Path.expand("../notes_app_dev.db", __DIR__),
pool_size: 5,
stacktrace: true,
show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true
# For development, we disable any cache and enable
# debugging and code reloading.
# The watchers configuration can be used to run external
# watchers to your application. For example, we can use it
# to bundle .js and .css sources.
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
# Binding to loopback ipv4 address prevents access from other machines.
# Change to `ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}` to allow access from other machines.
http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4000],
check_origin: false,
code_reloader: true,
debug_errors: true,
secret_key_base: "mQh9OiutrVG3ttXYKwX0owXUInJ+SI16fMmOmYzJ+/e9/zq5wgPFRAPDCncLs9sC",
watchers: [
esbuild: {Esbuild, :install_and_run, [:notes_app, ~w(--sourcemap=inline --watch)]},
tailwind: {Tailwind, :install_and_run, [:notes_app, ~w(--watch)]}
# ## SSL Support
# In order to use HTTPS in development, a self-signed
# certificate can be generated by running the following
# Mix task:
# mix phx.gen.cert
# Run `mix help phx.gen.cert` for more information.
# The `http:` config above can be replaced with:
# https: [
# port: 4001,
# cipher_suite: :strong,
# keyfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem",
# certfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned.pem"
# ],
# If desired, both `http:` and `https:` keys can be
# configured to run both http and https servers on
# different ports.
# Watch static and templates for browser reloading.
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_reload: [
patterns: [
# Enable dev routes for dashboard and mailbox
config :notes_app, dev_routes: true
# Do not include metadata nor timestamps in development logs
config :logger, :console, format: "[$level] $message\n"
# Set a higher stacktrace during development. Avoid configuring such
# in production as building large stacktraces may be expensive.
config :phoenix, :stacktrace_depth, 20
# Initialize plugs at runtime for faster development compilation
config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
config :phoenix_live_view,
# Include HEEx debug annotations as HTML comments in rendered markup
debug_heex_annotations: true,
# Enable helpful, but potentially expensive runtime checks
enable_expensive_runtime_checks: true
# Disable swoosh api client as it is only required for production adapters.
config :swoosh, :api_client, false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Config
# Note we also include the path to a cache manifest
# containing the digested version of static files. This
# manifest is generated by the `mix assets.deploy` task,
# which you should run after static files are built and
# before starting your production server.
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint, cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json"
# Configures Swoosh API Client
config :swoosh, api_client: Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch, finch_name: NotesApp.Finch
# Disable Swoosh Local Memory Storage
config :swoosh, local: false
# Do not print debug messages in production
config :logger, level: :info
# Runtime production configuration, including reading
# of environment variables, is done on config/runtime.exs.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import Config
# config/runtime.exs is executed for all environments, including
# during releases. It is executed after compilation and before the
# system starts, so it is typically used to load production configuration
# and secrets from environment variables or elsewhere. Do not define
# any compile-time configuration in here, as it won't be applied.
# The block below contains prod specific runtime configuration.
# ## Using releases
# If you use `mix release`, you need to explicitly enable the server
# by passing the PHX_SERVER=true when you start it:
# PHX_SERVER=true bin/notes_app start
# Alternatively, you can use `mix phx.gen.release` to generate a `bin/server`
# script that automatically sets the env var above.
if System.get_env("PHX_SERVER") do
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint, server: true
if config_env() == :prod do
database_path =
System.get_env("DATABASE_PATH") ||
raise """
environment variable DATABASE_PATH is missing.
For example: /etc/notes_app/notes_app.db
config :notes_app, NotesApp.Repo,
database: database_path,
pool_size: String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "5")
# The secret key base is used to sign/encrypt cookies and other secrets.
# A default value is used in config/dev.exs and config/test.exs but you
# want to use a different value for prod and you most likely don't want
# to check this value into version control, so we use an environment
# variable instead.
secret_key_base =
System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE") ||
raise """
environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE is missing.
You can generate one by calling: mix phx.gen.secret
host = System.get_env("PHX_HOST") || "example.com"
port = String.to_integer(System.get_env("PORT") || "4000")
config :notes_app, :dns_cluster_query, System.get_env("DNS_CLUSTER_QUERY")
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: host, port: 443, scheme: "https"],
http: [
# Enable IPv6 and bind on all interfaces.
# Set it to {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} for local network only access.
# See the documentation on https://hexdocs.pm/bandit/Bandit.html#t:options/0
# for details about using IPv6 vs IPv4 and loopback vs public addresses.
ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
port: port
secret_key_base: secret_key_base
# ## SSL Support
# To get SSL working, you will need to add the `https` key
# to your endpoint configuration:
# config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
# https: [
# ...,
# port: 443,
# cipher_suite: :strong,
# keyfile: System.get_env("SOME_APP_SSL_KEY_PATH"),
# certfile: System.get_env("SOME_APP_SSL_CERT_PATH")
# ]
# The `cipher_suite` is set to `:strong` to support only the
# latest and more secure SSL ciphers. This means old browsers
# and clients may not be supported. You can set it to
# `:compatible` for wider support.
# `:keyfile` and `:certfile` expect an absolute path to the key
# and cert in disk or a relative path inside priv, for example
# "priv/ssl/server.key". For all supported SSL configuration
# options, see https://hexdocs.pm/plug/Plug.SSL.html#configure/1
# We also recommend setting `force_ssl` in your config/prod.exs,
# ensuring no data is ever sent via http, always redirecting to https:
# config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
# force_ssl: [hsts: true]
# Check `Plug.SSL` for all available options in `force_ssl`.
# ## Configuring the mailer
# In production you need to configure the mailer to use a different adapter.
# Also, you may need to configure the Swoosh API client of your choice if you
# are not using SMTP. Here is an example of the configuration:
# config :notes_app, NotesApp.Mailer,
# adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun,
# api_key: System.get_env("MAILGUN_API_KEY"),
# domain: System.get_env("MAILGUN_DOMAIN")
# For this example you need include a HTTP client required by Swoosh API client.
# Swoosh supports Hackney and Finch out of the box:
# config :swoosh, :api_client, Swoosh.ApiClient.Hackney
# See https://hexdocs.pm/swoosh/Swoosh.html#module-installation for details.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import Config
# Only in tests, remove the complexity from the password hashing algorithm
config :bcrypt_elixir, :log_rounds, 1
# Configure your database
# The MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable can be used
# to provide built-in test partitioning in CI environment.
# Run `mix help test` for more information.
config :notes_app, NotesApp.Repo,
database: Path.expand("../notes_app_test.db", __DIR__),
pool_size: 5,
pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox
# We don't run a server during test. If one is required,
# you can enable the server option below.
config :notes_app, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4002],
secret_key_base: "YKtYPCCPpdbg9Lh7QLm0wHREqg/j4LCe/cd1TrngAaLMSwl/pN+eVN/TYLl0nzk1",
server: false
# In test we don't send emails
config :notes_app, NotesApp.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Test
# Disable swoosh api client as it is only required for production adapters
config :swoosh, :api_client, false
# Print only warnings and errors during test
config :logger, level: :warning
# Initialize plugs at runtime for faster test compilation
config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
# Enable helpful, but potentially expensive runtime checks
config :phoenix_live_view,
enable_expensive_runtime_checks: true

Elixir/notes_app/mix.exs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
defmodule NotesApp.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :notes_app,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.14",
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
aliases: aliases(),
deps: deps()
# Configuration for the OTP application.
# Type `mix help compile.app` for more information.
def application do
mod: {NotesApp.Application, []},
extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools]
# Specifies which paths to compile per environment.
defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
# Specifies your project dependencies.
# Type `mix help deps` for examples and options.
defp deps do
{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 3.0"},
{:phoenix, "~> 1.7.14"},
{:phoenix_ecto, "~> 4.5"},
{:ecto_sql, "~> 3.10"},
{:ecto_sqlite3, ">= 0.0.0"},
{:phoenix_html, "~> 4.1"},
{:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.2", only: :dev},
# TODO bump on release to {:phoenix_live_view, "~> 1.0.0"},
{:phoenix_live_view, "~> 1.0.0-rc.1", override: true},
{:floki, ">= 0.30.0", only: :test},
{:phoenix_live_dashboard, "~> 0.8.3"},
{:esbuild, "~> 0.8", runtime: Mix.env() == :dev},
{:tailwind, "~> 0.2", runtime: Mix.env() == :dev},
github: "tailwindlabs/heroicons",
tag: "v2.1.1",
sparse: "optimized",
app: false,
compile: false,
depth: 1},
{:swoosh, "~> 1.5"},
{:finch, "~> 0.13"},
{:telemetry_metrics, "~> 1.0"},
{:telemetry_poller, "~> 1.0"},
{:gettext, "~> 0.20"},
{:jason, "~> 1.2"},
{:dns_cluster, "~> 0.1.1"},
{:bandit, "~> 1.5"}
# Aliases are shortcuts or tasks specific to the current project.
# For example, to install project dependencies and perform other setup tasks, run:
# $ mix setup
# See the documentation for `Mix` for more info on aliases.
defp aliases do
setup: ["deps.get", "ecto.setup", "assets.setup", "assets.build"],
"ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"],
"ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.setup"],
test: ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate --quiet", "test"],
"assets.setup": ["tailwind.install --if-missing", "esbuild.install --if-missing"],
"assets.build": ["tailwind notes_app", "esbuild notes_app"],
"assets.deploy": [
"tailwind notes_app --minify",
"esbuild notes_app --minify",

Elixir/notes_app/mix.lock Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"bandit": {:hex, :bandit, "1.5.7", "6856b1e1df4f2b0cb3df1377eab7891bec2da6a7fd69dc78594ad3e152363a50", [:mix], [{:hpax, "~> 1.0.0", [hex: :hpax, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug, "~> 1.14", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:thousand_island, "~> 1.0", [hex: :thousand_island, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:websock, "~> 0.5", [hex: :websock, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "f2dd92ae87d2cbea2fa9aa1652db157b6cba6c405cb44d4f6dd87abba41371cd"},
"bcrypt_elixir": {:hex, :bcrypt_elixir, "3.1.0", "0b110a9a6c619b19a7f73fa3004aa11d6e719a67e672d1633dc36b6b2290a0f7", [:make, :mix], [{:comeonin, "~> 5.3", [hex: :comeonin, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:elixir_make, "~> 0.6", [hex: :elixir_make, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "2ad2acb5a8bc049e8d5aa267802631912bb80d5f4110a178ae7999e69dca1bf7"},
"castore": {:hex, :castore, "1.0.8", "dedcf20ea746694647f883590b82d9e96014057aff1d44d03ec90f36a5c0dc6e", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "0b2b66d2ee742cb1d9cb8c8be3b43c3a70ee8651f37b75a8b982e036752983f1"},
"cc_precompiler": {:hex, :cc_precompiler, "0.1.10", "47c9c08d8869cf09b41da36538f62bc1abd3e19e41701c2cea2675b53c704258", [:mix], [{:elixir_make, "~> 0.7", [hex: :elixir_make, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "f6e046254e53cd6b41c6bacd70ae728011aa82b2742a80d6e2214855c6e06b22"},
"comeonin": {:hex, :comeonin, "5.4.0", "246a56ca3f41d404380fc6465650ddaa532c7f98be4bda1b4656b3a37cc13abe", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "796393a9e50d01999d56b7b8420ab0481a7538d0caf80919da493b4a6e51faf1"},
"db_connection": {:hex, :db_connection, "2.7.0", "b99faa9291bb09892c7da373bb82cba59aefa9b36300f6145c5f201c7adf48ec", [:mix], [{:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "dcf08f31b2701f857dfc787fbad78223d61a32204f217f15e881dd93e4bdd3ff"},
"decimal": {:hex, :decimal, "2.1.1", "5611dca5d4b2c3dd497dec8f68751f1f1a54755e8ed2a966c2633cf885973ad6", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "53cfe5f497ed0e7771ae1a475575603d77425099ba5faef9394932b35020ffcc"},
"dns_cluster": {:hex, :dns_cluster, "0.1.3", "0bc20a2c88ed6cc494f2964075c359f8c2d00e1bf25518a6a6c7fd277c9b0c66", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "46cb7c4a1b3e52c7ad4cbe33ca5079fbde4840dedeafca2baf77996c2da1bc33"},
"ecto": {:hex, :ecto, "3.12.2", "bae2094f038e9664ce5f089e5f3b6132a535d8b018bd280a485c2f33df5c0ce1", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 2.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "492e67c70f3a71c6afe80d946d3ced52ecc57c53c9829791bfff1830ff5a1f0c"},
"ecto_sql": {:hex, :ecto_sql, "3.12.0", "73cea17edfa54bde76ee8561b30d29ea08f630959685006d9c6e7d1e59113b7d", [:mix], [{:db_connection, "~> 2.4.1 or ~> 2.5", [hex: :db_connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ecto, "~> 3.12", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:myxql, "~> 0.7", [hex: :myxql, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:postgrex, "~> 0.19 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :postgrex, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:tds, "~> 2.1.1 or ~> 2.2", [hex: :tds, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.0 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "dc9e4d206f274f3947e96142a8fdc5f69a2a6a9abb4649ef5c882323b6d512f0"},
"ecto_sqlite3": {:hex, :ecto_sqlite3, "0.17.1", "96d08639aa1fb07a087daa2220ebc68d9f4f5dbb8aed930e771d848d8d472d32", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.6 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ecto, "~> 3.12", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ecto_sql, "~> 3.12", [hex: :ecto_sql, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:exqlite, "~> 0.22", [hex: :exqlite, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "dbd6a68b5364fe6e9ce5d70336709d62edaebbb4cb4acb5f13ec825f64fa48cc"},
"elixir_make": {:hex, :elixir_make, "0.8.4", "4960a03ce79081dee8fe119d80ad372c4e7badb84c493cc75983f9d3bc8bde0f", [:mix], [{:castore, "~> 0.1 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:certifi, "~> 2.0", [hex: :certifi, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "6e7f1d619b5f61dfabd0a20aa268e575572b542ac31723293a4c1a567d5ef040"},
"esbuild": {:hex, :esbuild, "0.8.1", "0cbf919f0eccb136d2eeef0df49c4acf55336de864e63594adcea3814f3edf41", [:mix], [{:castore, ">= 0.0.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.4", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "25fc876a67c13cb0a776e7b5d7974851556baeda2085296c14ab48555ea7560f"},
"expo": {:hex, :expo, "1.0.1", "f9e2f984f5b8d195815d52d0ba264798c12c8d2f2606f76fa4c60e8ebe39474d", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "f250b33274e3e56513644858c116f255d35c767c2b8e96a512fe7839ef9306a1"},
"exqlite": {:hex, :exqlite, "0.23.0", "6e851c937a033299d0784994c66da24845415072adbc455a337e20087bce9033", [:make, :mix], [{:cc_precompiler, "~> 0.1", [hex: :cc_precompiler, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:db_connection, "~> 2.1", [hex: :db_connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:elixir_make, "~> 0.8", [hex: :elixir_make, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:table, "~> 0.1.0", [hex: :table, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "404341cceec5e6466aaed160cf0b58be2019b60af82588c215e1224ebd3ec831"},
"file_system": {:hex, :file_system, "1.0.1", "79e8ceaddb0416f8b8cd02a0127bdbababe7bf4a23d2a395b983c1f8b3f73edd", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "4414d1f38863ddf9120720cd976fce5bdde8e91d8283353f0e31850fa89feb9e"},
"finch": {:hex, :finch, "0.18.0", "944ac7d34d0bd2ac8998f79f7a811b21d87d911e77a786bc5810adb75632ada4", [:mix], [{:castore, "~> 0.1 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mime, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mint, "~> 1.3", [hex: :mint, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_options, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :nimble_options, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_pool, "~> 0.2.6 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :nimble_pool, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "69f5045b042e531e53edc2574f15e25e735b522c37e2ddb766e15b979e03aa65"},
"floki": {:hex, :floki, "0.36.2", "a7da0193538c93f937714a6704369711998a51a6164a222d710ebd54020aa7a3", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "a8766c0bc92f074e5cb36c4f9961982eda84c5d2b8e979ca67f5c268ec8ed580"},
"gettext": {:hex, :gettext, "0.26.1", "38e14ea5dcf962d1fc9f361b63ea07c0ce715a8ef1f9e82d3dfb8e67e0416715", [:mix], [{:expo, "~> 0.5.1 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :expo, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "01ce56f188b9dc28780a52783d6529ad2bc7124f9744e571e1ee4ea88bf08734"},
"heroicons": {:git, "https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons.git", "88ab3a0d790e6a47404cba02800a6b25d2afae50", [tag: "v2.1.1", sparse: "optimized", depth: 1]},
"hpax": {:hex, :hpax, "1.0.0", "28dcf54509fe2152a3d040e4e3df5b265dcb6cb532029ecbacf4ce52caea3fd2", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "7f1314731d711e2ca5fdc7fd361296593fc2542570b3105595bb0bc6d0fad601"},
"jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.4.4", "b9226785a9aa77b6857ca22832cffa5d5011a667207eb2a0ad56adb5db443b8a", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "c5eb0cab91f094599f94d55bc63409236a8ec69a21a67814529e8d5f6cc90b3b"},
"mime": {:hex, :mime, "2.0.6", "8f18486773d9b15f95f4f4f1e39b710045fa1de891fada4516559967276e4dc2", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "c9945363a6b26d747389aac3643f8e0e09d30499a138ad64fe8fd1d13d9b153e"},
"mint": {:hex, :mint, "1.6.2", "af6d97a4051eee4f05b5500671d47c3a67dac7386045d87a904126fd4bbcea2e", [:mix], [{:castore, "~> 0.1.0 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hpax, "~> 0.1.1 or ~> 0.2.0 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :hpax, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "5ee441dffc1892f1ae59127f74afe8fd82fda6587794278d924e4d90ea3d63f9"},
"nimble_options": {:hex, :nimble_options, "1.1.1", "e3a492d54d85fc3fd7c5baf411d9d2852922f66e69476317787a7b2bb000a61b", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "821b2470ca9442c4b6984882fe9bb0389371b8ddec4d45a9504f00a66f650b44"},
"nimble_pool": {:hex, :nimble_pool, "1.1.0", "bf9c29fbdcba3564a8b800d1eeb5a3c58f36e1e11d7b7fb2e084a643f645f06b", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "af2e4e6b34197db81f7aad230c1118eac993acc0dae6bc83bac0126d4ae0813a"},
"phoenix": {:hex, :phoenix, "1.7.14", "a7d0b3f1bc95987044ddada111e77bd7f75646a08518942c72a8440278ae7825", [:mix], [{:castore, ">= 0.0.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 2.1", [hex: :phoenix_pubsub, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_template, "~> 1.0", [hex: :phoenix_template, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_view, "~> 2.0", [hex: :phoenix_view, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.14", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.7", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug_crypto, "~> 1.2 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :plug_crypto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:websock_adapter, "~> 0.5.3", [hex: :websock_adapter, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "c7859bc56cc5dfef19ecfc240775dae358cbaa530231118a9e014df392ace61a"},
"phoenix_ecto": {:hex, :phoenix_ecto, "4.6.2", "3b83b24ab5a2eb071a20372f740d7118767c272db386831b2e77638c4dcc606d", [:mix], [{:ecto, "~> 3.5", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_html, "~> 2.14.2 or ~> 3.0 or ~> 4.1", [hex: :phoenix_html, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.9", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:postgrex, "~> 0.16 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :postgrex, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "3f94d025f59de86be00f5f8c5dd7b5965a3298458d21ab1c328488be3b5fcd59"},
"phoenix_html": {:hex, :phoenix_html, "4.1.1", "4c064fd3873d12ebb1388425a8f2a19348cef56e7289e1998e2d2fa758aa982e", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "f2f2df5a72bc9a2f510b21497fd7d2b86d932ec0598f0210fed4114adc546c6f"},
"phoenix_live_dashboard": {:hex, :phoenix_live_dashboard, "0.8.4", "4508e481f791ce62ec6a096e13b061387158cbeefacca68c6c1928e1305e23ed", [:mix], [{:ecto, "~> 3.6.2 or ~> 3.7", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ecto_mysql_extras, "~> 0.5", [hex: :ecto_mysql_extras, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ecto_psql_extras, "~> 0.7", [hex: :ecto_psql_extras, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ecto_sqlite3_extras, "~> 1.1.7 or ~> 1.2.0", [hex: :ecto_sqlite3_extras, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.6 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_live_view, "~> 0.19 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :phoenix_live_view, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry_metrics, "~> 0.6 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry_metrics, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "2984aae96994fbc5c61795a73b8fb58153b41ff934019cfb522343d2d3817d59"},
"phoenix_live_reload": {:hex, :phoenix_live_reload, "1.5.3", "f2161c207fda0e4fb55165f650f7f8db23f02b29e3bff00ff7ef161d6ac1f09d", [:mix], [{:file_system, "~> 0.3 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :file_system, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix, "~> 1.4", [hex: :phoenix, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "b4ec9cd73cb01ff1bd1cac92e045d13e7030330b74164297d1aee3907b54803c"},
"phoenix_live_view": {:hex, :phoenix_live_view, "1.0.0-rc.6", "47d2669995ea326e5c71f5c1bc9177109cebf211385c638faa7b5862a401e516", [:mix], [{:floki, "~> 0.36", [hex: :floki, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:phoenix, "~> 1.6.15 or ~> 1.7.0", [hex: :phoenix, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_html, "~> 3.3 or ~> 4.0", [hex: :phoenix_html, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_template, "~> 1.0", [hex: :phoenix_template, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:phoenix_view, "~> 2.0", [hex: :phoenix_view, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.15", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.2 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "e56e4f1642a0b20edc2488cab30e5439595e0d8b5b259f76ef98b1c4e2e5b527"},
"phoenix_pubsub": {:hex, :phoenix_pubsub, "2.1.3", "3168d78ba41835aecad272d5e8cd51aa87a7ac9eb836eabc42f6e57538e3731d", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "bba06bc1dcfd8cb086759f0edc94a8ba2bc8896d5331a1e2c2902bf8e36ee502"},
"phoenix_template": {:hex, :phoenix_template, "1.0.4", "e2092c132f3b5e5b2d49c96695342eb36d0ed514c5b252a77048d5969330d639", [:mix], [{:phoenix_html, "~> 2.14.2 or ~> 3.0 or ~> 4.0", [hex: :phoenix_html, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "2c0c81f0e5c6753faf5cca2f229c9709919aba34fab866d3bc05060c9c444206"},
"plug": {:hex, :plug, "1.16.1", "40c74619c12f82736d2214557dedec2e9762029b2438d6d175c5074c933edc9d", [:mix], [{:mime, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_crypto, "~> 1.1.1 or ~> 1.2 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :plug_crypto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.3 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "a13ff6b9006b03d7e33874945b2755253841b238c34071ed85b0e86057f8cddc"},
"plug_crypto": {:hex, :plug_crypto, "2.1.0", "f44309c2b06d249c27c8d3f65cfe08158ade08418cf540fd4f72d4d6863abb7b", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "131216a4b030b8f8ce0f26038bc4421ae60e4bb95c5cf5395e1421437824c4fa"},
"swoosh": {:hex, :swoosh, "1.16.12", "cbb24ad512f2f7f24c7a469661c188a00a8c2cd64e0ab54acd1520f132092dfd", [:mix], [{:bandit, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :bandit, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:cowboy, "~> 1.1 or ~> 2.4", [hex: :cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ex_aws, "~> 2.1", [hex: :ex_aws, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:finch, "~> 0.6", [hex: :finch, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:gen_smtp, "~> 0.13 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :gen_smtp, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "~> 1.9", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mail, "~> 0.2", [hex: :mail, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.1 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mua, "~> 0.2.3", [hex: :mua, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:multipart, "~> 0.4", [hex: :multipart, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.9", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug_cowboy, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:req, "~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :req, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.2 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "0e262df1ae510d59eeaaa3db42189a2aa1b3746f73771eb2616fc3f7ee63cc20"},
"tailwind": {:hex, :tailwind, "0.2.3", "277f08145d407de49650d0a4685dc062174bdd1ae7731c5f1da86163a24dfcdb", [:mix], [{:castore, ">= 0.0.0", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "8e45e7a34a676a7747d04f7913a96c770c85e6be810a1d7f91e713d3a3655b5d"},
"telemetry": {:hex, :telemetry, "1.3.0", "fedebbae410d715cf8e7062c96a1ef32ec22e764197f70cda73d82778d61e7a2", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "7015fc8919dbe63764f4b4b87a95b7c0996bd539e0d499be6ec9d7f3875b79e6"},
"telemetry_metrics": {:hex, :telemetry_metrics, "1.0.0", "29f5f84991ca98b8eb02fc208b2e6de7c95f8bb2294ef244a176675adc7775df", [:mix], [{:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "f23713b3847286a534e005126d4c959ebcca68ae9582118ce436b521d1d47d5d"},
"telemetry_poller": {:hex, :telemetry_poller, "1.1.0", "58fa7c216257291caaf8d05678c8d01bd45f4bdbc1286838a28c4bb62ef32999", [:rebar3], [{:telemetry, "~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "9eb9d9cbfd81cbd7cdd24682f8711b6e2b691289a0de6826e58452f28c103c8f"},
"thousand_island": {:hex, :thousand_island, "1.3.5", "6022b6338f1635b3d32406ff98d68b843ba73b3aa95cfc27154223244f3a6ca5", [:mix], [{:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "2be6954916fdfe4756af3239fb6b6d75d0b8063b5df03ba76fd8a4c87849e180"},
"websock": {:hex, :websock, "0.5.3", "2f69a6ebe810328555b6fe5c831a851f485e303a7c8ce6c5f675abeb20ebdadc", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "6105453d7fac22c712ad66fab1d45abdf049868f253cf719b625151460b8b453"},
"websock_adapter": {:hex, :websock_adapter, "0.5.7", "65fa74042530064ef0570b75b43f5c49bb8b235d6515671b3d250022cb8a1f9e", [:mix], [{:bandit, ">= 0.6.0", [hex: :bandit, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.14", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.6", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:websock, "~> 0.5", [hex: :websock, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "d0f478ee64deddfec64b800673fd6e0c8888b079d9f3444dd96d2a98383bdbd1"},

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
## `msgid`s in this file come from POT (.pot) files.
## Do not add, change, or remove `msgid`s manually here as
## they're tied to the ones in the corresponding POT file
## (with the same domain).
## Use `mix gettext.extract --merge` or `mix gettext.merge`
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Language: en\n"
## From Ecto.Changeset.cast/4
msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.unique_constraint/3
msgid "has already been taken"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.put_change/3
msgid "is invalid"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_acceptance/3
msgid "must be accepted"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_format/3
msgid "has invalid format"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_subset/3
msgid "has an invalid entry"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_exclusion/3
msgid "is reserved"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_confirmation/3
msgid "does not match confirmation"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.no_assoc_constraint/3
msgid "is still associated with this entry"
msgstr ""
msgid "are still associated with this entry"
msgstr ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_length/3
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be %{count} byte(s)"
msgid_plural "should be %{count} byte(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be at least %{count} byte(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} byte(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "should be at most %{count} byte(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at most %{count} byte(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
## From Ecto.Changeset.validate_number/3
msgid "must be less than %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be greater than %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be less than or equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be greater than or equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import_deps: [:ecto_sql],
inputs: ["*.exs"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
defmodule NotesApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUsersAuthTables do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:users) do
add :email, :string, null: false, collate: :nocase
add :hashed_password, :string, null: false
add :confirmed_at, :utc_datetime
timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
create unique_index(:users, [:email])
create table(:users_tokens) do
add :user_id, references(:users, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
add :token, :binary, null: false, size: 32
add :context, :string, null: false
add :sent_to, :string
timestamps(type: :utc_datetime, updated_at: false)
create index(:users_tokens, [:user_id])
create unique_index(:users_tokens, [:context, :token])

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Script for populating the database. You can run it as:
# mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
# Inside the script, you can read and write to any of your
# repositories directly:
# NotesApp.Repo.insert!(%NotesApp.SomeSchema{})
# We recommend using the bang functions (`insert!`, `update!`
# and so on) as they will fail if something goes wrong.

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# See https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html for documentation on how to use the robots.txt file
# To ban all spiders from the entire site uncomment the next two lines:
# User-agent: *
# Disallow: /

View file

@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
defmodule NotesApp.AccountsTest do
use NotesApp.DataCase
alias NotesApp.Accounts
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
alias NotesApp.Accounts.{User, UserToken}
describe "get_user_by_email/1" do
test "does not return the user if the email does not exist" do
refute Accounts.get_user_by_email("unknown@example.com")
test "returns the user if the email exists" do
%{id: id} = user = user_fixture()
assert %User{id: ^id} = Accounts.get_user_by_email(user.email)
describe "get_user_by_email_and_password/2" do
test "does not return the user if the email does not exist" do
refute Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password("unknown@example.com", "hello world!")
test "does not return the user if the password is not valid" do
user = user_fixture()
refute Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, "invalid")
test "returns the user if the email and password are valid" do
%{id: id} = user = user_fixture()
assert %User{id: ^id} =
Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, valid_user_password())
describe "get_user!/1" do
test "raises if id is invalid" do
assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn ->
test "returns the user with the given id" do
%{id: id} = user = user_fixture()
assert %User{id: ^id} = Accounts.get_user!(user.id)
describe "register_user/1" do
test "requires email and password to be set" do
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(%{})
assert %{
password: ["can't be blank"],
email: ["can't be blank"]
} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates email and password when given" do
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(%{email: "not valid", password: "not valid"})
assert %{
email: ["must have the @ sign and no spaces"],
password: ["should be at least 12 character(s)"]
} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates maximum values for email and password for security" do
too_long = String.duplicate("db", 100)
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(%{email: too_long, password: too_long})
assert "should be at most 160 character(s)" in errors_on(changeset).email
assert "should be at most 72 character(s)" in errors_on(changeset).password
test "validates email uniqueness" do
%{email: email} = user_fixture()
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(%{email: email})
assert "has already been taken" in errors_on(changeset).email
# Now try with the upper cased email too, to check that email case is ignored.
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(%{email: String.upcase(email)})
assert "has already been taken" in errors_on(changeset).email
test "registers users with a hashed password" do
email = unique_user_email()
{:ok, user} = Accounts.register_user(valid_user_attributes(email: email))
assert user.email == email
assert is_binary(user.hashed_password)
assert is_nil(user.confirmed_at)
assert is_nil(user.password)
describe "change_user_registration/2" do
test "returns a changeset" do
assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset = Accounts.change_user_registration(%User{})
assert changeset.required == [:password, :email]
test "allows fields to be set" do
email = unique_user_email()
password = valid_user_password()
changeset =
valid_user_attributes(email: email, password: password)
assert changeset.valid?
assert get_change(changeset, :email) == email
assert get_change(changeset, :password) == password
assert is_nil(get_change(changeset, :hashed_password))
describe "change_user_email/2" do
test "returns a user changeset" do
assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset = Accounts.change_user_email(%User{})
assert changeset.required == [:email]
describe "apply_user_email/3" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "requires email to change", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.apply_user_email(user, valid_user_password(), %{})
assert %{email: ["did not change"]} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates email", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.apply_user_email(user, valid_user_password(), %{email: "not valid"})
assert %{email: ["must have the @ sign and no spaces"]} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates maximum value for email for security", %{user: user} do
too_long = String.duplicate("db", 100)
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.apply_user_email(user, valid_user_password(), %{email: too_long})
assert "should be at most 160 character(s)" in errors_on(changeset).email
test "validates email uniqueness", %{user: user} do
%{email: email} = user_fixture()
password = valid_user_password()
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.apply_user_email(user, password, %{email: email})
assert "has already been taken" in errors_on(changeset).email
test "validates current password", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.apply_user_email(user, "invalid", %{email: unique_user_email()})
assert %{current_password: ["is not valid"]} = errors_on(changeset)
test "applies the email without persisting it", %{user: user} do
email = unique_user_email()
{:ok, user} = Accounts.apply_user_email(user, valid_user_password(), %{email: email})
assert user.email == email
assert Accounts.get_user!(user.id).email != email
describe "deliver_user_update_email_instructions/3" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "sends token through notification", %{user: user} do
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_update_email_instructions(user, "current@example.com", url)
{:ok, token} = Base.url_decode64(token, padding: false)
assert user_token = Repo.get_by(UserToken, token: :crypto.hash(:sha256, token))
assert user_token.user_id == user.id
assert user_token.sent_to == user.email
assert user_token.context == "change:current@example.com"
describe "update_user_email/2" do
setup do
user = user_fixture()
email = unique_user_email()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_update_email_instructions(%{user | email: email}, user.email, url)
%{user: user, token: token, email: email}
test "updates the email with a valid token", %{user: user, token: token, email: email} do
assert Accounts.update_user_email(user, token) == :ok
changed_user = Repo.get!(User, user.id)
assert changed_user.email != user.email
assert changed_user.email == email
assert changed_user.confirmed_at
assert changed_user.confirmed_at != user.confirmed_at
refute Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not update email with invalid token", %{user: user} do
assert Accounts.update_user_email(user, "oops") == :error
assert Repo.get!(User, user.id).email == user.email
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not update email if user email changed", %{user: user, token: token} do
assert Accounts.update_user_email(%{user | email: "current@example.com"}, token) == :error
assert Repo.get!(User, user.id).email == user.email
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not update email if token expired", %{user: user, token: token} do
{1, nil} = Repo.update_all(UserToken, set: [inserted_at: ~N[2020-01-01 00:00:00]])
assert Accounts.update_user_email(user, token) == :error
assert Repo.get!(User, user.id).email == user.email
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
describe "change_user_password/2" do
test "returns a user changeset" do
assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset = Accounts.change_user_password(%User{})
assert changeset.required == [:password]
test "allows fields to be set" do
changeset =
Accounts.change_user_password(%User{}, %{
"password" => "new valid password"
assert changeset.valid?
assert get_change(changeset, :password) == "new valid password"
assert is_nil(get_change(changeset, :hashed_password))
describe "update_user_password/3" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "validates password", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.update_user_password(user, valid_user_password(), %{
password: "not valid",
password_confirmation: "another"
assert %{
password: ["should be at least 12 character(s)"],
password_confirmation: ["does not match password"]
} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates maximum values for password for security", %{user: user} do
too_long = String.duplicate("db", 100)
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.update_user_password(user, valid_user_password(), %{password: too_long})
assert "should be at most 72 character(s)" in errors_on(changeset).password
test "validates current password", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.update_user_password(user, "invalid", %{password: valid_user_password()})
assert %{current_password: ["is not valid"]} = errors_on(changeset)
test "updates the password", %{user: user} do
{:ok, user} =
Accounts.update_user_password(user, valid_user_password(), %{
password: "new valid password"
assert is_nil(user.password)
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, "new valid password")
test "deletes all tokens for the given user", %{user: user} do
_ = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
{:ok, _} =
Accounts.update_user_password(user, valid_user_password(), %{
password: "new valid password"
refute Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
describe "generate_user_session_token/1" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "generates a token", %{user: user} do
token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
assert user_token = Repo.get_by(UserToken, token: token)
assert user_token.context == "session"
# Creating the same token for another user should fail
assert_raise Ecto.ConstraintError, fn ->
token: user_token.token,
user_id: user_fixture().id,
context: "session"
describe "get_user_by_session_token/1" do
setup do
user = user_fixture()
token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
%{user: user, token: token}
test "returns user by token", %{user: user, token: token} do
assert session_user = Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token)
assert session_user.id == user.id
test "does not return user for invalid token" do
refute Accounts.get_user_by_session_token("oops")
test "does not return user for expired token", %{token: token} do
{1, nil} = Repo.update_all(UserToken, set: [inserted_at: ~N[2020-01-01 00:00:00]])
refute Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token)
describe "delete_user_session_token/1" do
test "deletes the token" do
user = user_fixture()
token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
assert Accounts.delete_user_session_token(token) == :ok
refute Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token)
describe "deliver_user_confirmation_instructions/2" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "sends token through notification", %{user: user} do
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(user, url)
{:ok, token} = Base.url_decode64(token, padding: false)
assert user_token = Repo.get_by(UserToken, token: :crypto.hash(:sha256, token))
assert user_token.user_id == user.id
assert user_token.sent_to == user.email
assert user_token.context == "confirm"
describe "confirm_user/1" do
setup do
user = user_fixture()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(user, url)
%{user: user, token: token}
test "confirms the email with a valid token", %{user: user, token: token} do
assert {:ok, confirmed_user} = Accounts.confirm_user(token)
assert confirmed_user.confirmed_at
assert confirmed_user.confirmed_at != user.confirmed_at
assert Repo.get!(User, user.id).confirmed_at
refute Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not confirm with invalid token", %{user: user} do
assert Accounts.confirm_user("oops") == :error
refute Repo.get!(User, user.id).confirmed_at
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not confirm email if token expired", %{user: user, token: token} do
{1, nil} = Repo.update_all(UserToken, set: [inserted_at: ~N[2020-01-01 00:00:00]])
assert Accounts.confirm_user(token) == :error
refute Repo.get!(User, user.id).confirmed_at
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
describe "deliver_user_reset_password_instructions/2" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "sends token through notification", %{user: user} do
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_reset_password_instructions(user, url)
{:ok, token} = Base.url_decode64(token, padding: false)
assert user_token = Repo.get_by(UserToken, token: :crypto.hash(:sha256, token))
assert user_token.user_id == user.id
assert user_token.sent_to == user.email
assert user_token.context == "reset_password"
describe "get_user_by_reset_password_token/1" do
setup do
user = user_fixture()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_reset_password_instructions(user, url)
%{user: user, token: token}
test "returns the user with valid token", %{user: %{id: id}, token: token} do
assert %User{id: ^id} = Accounts.get_user_by_reset_password_token(token)
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: id)
test "does not return the user with invalid token", %{user: user} do
refute Accounts.get_user_by_reset_password_token("oops")
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not return the user if token expired", %{user: user, token: token} do
{1, nil} = Repo.update_all(UserToken, set: [inserted_at: ~N[2020-01-01 00:00:00]])
refute Accounts.get_user_by_reset_password_token(token)
assert Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
describe "reset_user_password/2" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "validates password", %{user: user} do
{:error, changeset} =
Accounts.reset_user_password(user, %{
password: "not valid",
password_confirmation: "another"
assert %{
password: ["should be at least 12 character(s)"],
password_confirmation: ["does not match password"]
} = errors_on(changeset)
test "validates maximum values for password for security", %{user: user} do
too_long = String.duplicate("db", 100)
{:error, changeset} = Accounts.reset_user_password(user, %{password: too_long})
assert "should be at most 72 character(s)" in errors_on(changeset).password
test "updates the password", %{user: user} do
{:ok, updated_user} = Accounts.reset_user_password(user, %{password: "new valid password"})
assert is_nil(updated_user.password)
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, "new valid password")
test "deletes all tokens for the given user", %{user: user} do
_ = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
{:ok, _} = Accounts.reset_user_password(user, %{password: "new valid password"})
refute Repo.get_by(UserToken, user_id: user.id)
describe "inspect/2 for the User module" do
test "does not include password" do
refute inspect(%User{password: "123456"}) =~ "password: \"123456\""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.ErrorHTMLTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase, async: true
# Bring render_to_string/4 for testing custom views
import Phoenix.Template
test "renders 404.html" do
assert render_to_string(NotesAppWeb.ErrorHTML, "404", "html", []) == "Not Found"
test "renders 500.html" do
assert render_to_string(NotesAppWeb.ErrorHTML, "500", "html", []) == "Internal Server Error"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.ErrorJSONTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase, async: true
test "renders 404" do
assert NotesAppWeb.ErrorJSON.render("404.json", %{}) == %{errors: %{detail: "Not Found"}}
test "renders 500" do
assert NotesAppWeb.ErrorJSON.render("500.json", %{}) ==
%{errors: %{detail: "Internal Server Error"}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.PageControllerTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
test "GET /", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, ~p"/")
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Peace of mind from prototype to production"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserSessionControllerTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
describe "POST /users/log_in" do
test "logs the user in", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
post(conn, ~p"/users/log_in", %{
"user" => %{"email" => user.email, "password" => valid_user_password()}
assert get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
# Now do a logged in request and assert on the menu
conn = get(conn, ~p"/")
response = html_response(conn, 200)
assert response =~ user.email
assert response =~ ~p"/users/settings"
assert response =~ ~p"/users/log_out"
test "logs the user in with remember me", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
post(conn, ~p"/users/log_in", %{
"user" => %{
"email" => user.email,
"password" => valid_user_password(),
"remember_me" => "true"
assert conn.resp_cookies["_notes_app_web_user_remember_me"]
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
test "logs the user in with return to", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
|> init_test_session(user_return_to: "/foo/bar")
|> post(~p"/users/log_in", %{
"user" => %{
"email" => user.email,
"password" => valid_user_password()
assert redirected_to(conn) == "/foo/bar"
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Welcome back!"
test "login following registration", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
|> post(~p"/users/log_in", %{
"_action" => "registered",
"user" => %{
"email" => user.email,
"password" => valid_user_password()
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Account created successfully"
test "login following password update", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
|> post(~p"/users/log_in", %{
"_action" => "password_updated",
"user" => %{
"email" => user.email,
"password" => valid_user_password()
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/users/settings"
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Password updated successfully"
test "redirects to login page with invalid credentials", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
post(conn, ~p"/users/log_in", %{
"user" => %{"email" => "invalid@email.com", "password" => "invalid_password"}
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) == "Invalid email or password"
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/users/log_in"
describe "DELETE /users/log_out" do
test "logs the user out", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> log_in_user(user) |> delete(~p"/users/log_out")
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Logged out successfully"
test "succeeds even if the user is not logged in", %{conn: conn} do
conn = delete(conn, ~p"/users/log_out")
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Logged out successfully"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserConfirmationInstructionsLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
alias NotesApp.Accounts
alias NotesApp.Repo
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
describe "Resend confirmation" do
test "renders the resend confirmation page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm")
assert html =~ "Resend confirmation instructions"
test "sends a new confirmation token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#resend_confirmation_form", user: %{email: user.email})
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~
"If your email is in our system"
assert Repo.get_by!(Accounts.UserToken, user_id: user.id).context == "confirm"
test "does not send confirmation token if user is confirmed", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#resend_confirmation_form", user: %{email: user.email})
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~
"If your email is in our system"
refute Repo.get_by(Accounts.UserToken, user_id: user.id)
test "does not send confirmation token if email is invalid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#resend_confirmation_form", user: %{email: "unknown@example.com"})
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~
"If your email is in our system"
assert Repo.all(Accounts.UserToken) == []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserConfirmationLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
alias NotesApp.Accounts
alias NotesApp.Repo
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
describe "Confirm user" do
test "renders confirmation page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm/some-token")
assert html =~ "Confirm Account"
test "confirms the given token once", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(user, url)
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm/#{token}")
result =
|> form("#confirmation_form")
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert {:ok, conn} = result
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~
"User confirmed successfully"
assert Accounts.get_user!(user.id).confirmed_at
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert Repo.all(Accounts.UserToken) == []
# when not logged in
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm/#{token}")
result =
|> form("#confirmation_form")
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert {:ok, conn} = result
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) =~
"User confirmation link is invalid or it has expired"
# when logged in
conn =
|> log_in_user(user)
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm/#{token}")
result =
|> form("#confirmation_form")
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert {:ok, conn} = result
refute Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error)
test "does not confirm email with invalid token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/confirm/invalid-token")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#confirmation_form")
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) =~
"User confirmation link is invalid or it has expired"
refute Accounts.get_user!(user.id).confirmed_at

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserForgotPasswordLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
alias NotesApp.Accounts
alias NotesApp.Repo
describe "Forgot password page" do
test "renders email page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password")
assert html =~ "Forgot your password?"
assert has_element?(lv, ~s|a[href="#{~p"/users/register"}"]|, "Register")
assert has_element?(lv, ~s|a[href="#{~p"/users/log_in"}"]|, "Log in")
test "redirects if already logged in", %{conn: conn} do
result =
|> log_in_user(user_fixture())
|> live(~p"/users/reset_password")
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/")
assert {:ok, _conn} = result
describe "Reset link" do
setup do
%{user: user_fixture()}
test "sends a new reset password token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#reset_password_form", user: %{"email" => user.email})
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "If your email is in our system"
assert Repo.get_by!(Accounts.UserToken, user_id: user.id).context ==
test "does not send reset password token if email is invalid", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#reset_password_form", user: %{"email" => "unknown@example.com"})
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "If your email is in our system"
assert Repo.all(Accounts.UserToken) == []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserLoginLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
describe "Log in page" do
test "renders log in page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
assert html =~ "Log in"
assert html =~ "Register"
assert html =~ "Forgot your password?"
test "redirects if already logged in", %{conn: conn} do
result =
|> log_in_user(user_fixture())
|> live(~p"/users/log_in")
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert {:ok, _conn} = result
describe "user login" do
test "redirects if user login with valid credentials", %{conn: conn} do
password = "123456789abcd"
user = user_fixture(%{password: password})
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
form =
form(lv, "#login_form", user: %{email: user.email, password: password, remember_me: true})
conn = submit_form(form, conn)
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
test "redirects to login page with a flash error if there are no valid credentials", %{
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
form =
form(lv, "#login_form",
user: %{email: "test@email.com", password: "123456", remember_me: true}
conn = submit_form(form, conn)
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) == "Invalid email or password"
assert redirected_to(conn) == "/users/log_in"
describe "login navigation" do
test "redirects to registration page when the Register button is clicked", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
{:ok, _login_live, login_html} =
|> element(~s|main a:fl-contains("Sign up")|)
|> render_click()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/register")
assert login_html =~ "Register"
test "redirects to forgot password page when the Forgot Password button is clicked", %{
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
{:ok, conn} =
|> element(~s|main a:fl-contains("Forgot your password?")|)
|> render_click()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password")
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Forgot your password?"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserRegistrationLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
describe "Registration page" do
test "renders registration page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/register")
assert html =~ "Register"
assert html =~ "Log in"
test "redirects if already logged in", %{conn: conn} do
result =
|> log_in_user(user_fixture())
|> live(~p"/users/register")
|> follow_redirect(conn, "/")
assert {:ok, _conn} = result
test "renders errors for invalid data", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/register")
result =
|> element("#registration_form")
|> render_change(user: %{"email" => "with spaces", "password" => "too short"})
assert result =~ "Register"
assert result =~ "must have the @ sign and no spaces"
assert result =~ "should be at least 12 character"
describe "register user" do
test "creates account and logs the user in", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/register")
email = unique_user_email()
form = form(lv, "#registration_form", user: valid_user_attributes(email: email))
conn = follow_trigger_action(form, conn)
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
# Now do a logged in request and assert on the menu
conn = get(conn, "/")
response = html_response(conn, 200)
assert response =~ email
assert response =~ "Settings"
assert response =~ "Log out"
test "renders errors for duplicated email", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/register")
user = user_fixture(%{email: "test@email.com"})
result =
|> form("#registration_form",
user: %{"email" => user.email, "password" => "valid_password"}
|> render_submit()
assert result =~ "has already been taken"
describe "registration navigation" do
test "redirects to login page when the Log in button is clicked", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/register")
{:ok, _login_live, login_html} =
|> element(~s|main a:fl-contains("Log in")|)
|> render_click()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
assert login_html =~ "Log in"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserResetPasswordLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
alias NotesApp.Accounts
setup do
user = user_fixture()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_reset_password_instructions(user, url)
%{token: token, user: user}
describe "Reset password page" do
test "renders reset password with valid token", %{conn: conn, token: token} do
{:ok, _lv, html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
assert html =~ "Reset Password"
test "does not render reset password with invalid token", %{conn: conn} do
{:error, {:redirect, to}} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/invalid")
assert to == %{
flash: %{"error" => "Reset password link is invalid or it has expired."},
to: ~p"/"
test "renders errors for invalid data", %{conn: conn, token: token} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
result =
|> element("#reset_password_form")
|> render_change(
user: %{"password" => "secret12", "password_confirmation" => "secret123456"}
assert result =~ "should be at least 12 character"
assert result =~ "does not match password"
describe "Reset Password" do
test "resets password once", %{conn: conn, token: token, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
{:ok, conn} =
|> form("#reset_password_form",
user: %{
"password" => "new valid password",
"password_confirmation" => "new valid password"
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~ "Password reset successfully"
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, "new valid password")
test "does not reset password on invalid data", %{conn: conn, token: token} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
result =
|> form("#reset_password_form",
user: %{
"password" => "too short",
"password_confirmation" => "does not match"
|> render_submit()
assert result =~ "Reset Password"
assert result =~ "should be at least 12 character(s)"
assert result =~ "does not match password"
describe "Reset password navigation" do
test "redirects to login page when the Log in button is clicked", %{conn: conn, token: token} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
{:ok, conn} =
|> element(~s|main a:fl-contains("Log in")|)
|> render_click()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/log_in")
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Log in"
test "redirects to registration page when the Register button is clicked", %{
conn: conn,
token: token
} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/reset_password/#{token}")
{:ok, conn} =
|> element(~s|main a:fl-contains("Register")|)
|> render_click()
|> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/users/register")
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Register"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserSettingsLiveTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
alias NotesApp.Accounts
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
describe "Settings page" do
test "renders settings page", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, html} =
|> log_in_user(user_fixture())
|> live(~p"/users/settings")
assert html =~ "Change Email"
assert html =~ "Change Password"
test "redirects if user is not logged in", %{conn: conn} do
assert {:error, redirect} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
assert {:redirect, %{to: path, flash: flash}} = redirect
assert path == ~p"/users/log_in"
assert %{"error" => "You must log in to access this page."} = flash
describe "update email form" do
setup %{conn: conn} do
password = valid_user_password()
user = user_fixture(%{password: password})
%{conn: log_in_user(conn, user), user: user, password: password}
test "updates the user email", %{conn: conn, password: password, user: user} do
new_email = unique_user_email()
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
result =
|> form("#email_form", %{
"current_password" => password,
"user" => %{"email" => new_email}
|> render_submit()
assert result =~ "A link to confirm your email"
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email(user.email)
test "renders errors with invalid data (phx-change)", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
result =
|> element("#email_form")
|> render_change(%{
"action" => "update_email",
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{"email" => "with spaces"}
assert result =~ "Change Email"
assert result =~ "must have the @ sign and no spaces"
test "renders errors with invalid data (phx-submit)", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
result =
|> form("#email_form", %{
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{"email" => user.email}
|> render_submit()
assert result =~ "Change Email"
assert result =~ "did not change"
assert result =~ "is not valid"
describe "update password form" do
setup %{conn: conn} do
password = valid_user_password()
user = user_fixture(%{password: password})
%{conn: log_in_user(conn, user), user: user, password: password}
test "updates the user password", %{conn: conn, user: user, password: password} do
new_password = valid_user_password()
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
form =
form(lv, "#password_form", %{
"current_password" => password,
"user" => %{
"email" => user.email,
"password" => new_password,
"password_confirmation" => new_password
new_password_conn = follow_trigger_action(form, conn)
assert redirected_to(new_password_conn) == ~p"/users/settings"
assert get_session(new_password_conn, :user_token) != get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(new_password_conn.assigns.flash, :info) =~
"Password updated successfully"
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, new_password)
test "renders errors with invalid data (phx-change)", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
result =
|> element("#password_form")
|> render_change(%{
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{
"password" => "too short",
"password_confirmation" => "does not match"
assert result =~ "Change Password"
assert result =~ "should be at least 12 character(s)"
assert result =~ "does not match password"
test "renders errors with invalid data (phx-submit)", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings")
result =
|> form("#password_form", %{
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{
"password" => "too short",
"password_confirmation" => "does not match"
|> render_submit()
assert result =~ "Change Password"
assert result =~ "should be at least 12 character(s)"
assert result =~ "does not match password"
assert result =~ "is not valid"
describe "confirm email" do
setup %{conn: conn} do
user = user_fixture()
email = unique_user_email()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
Accounts.deliver_user_update_email_instructions(%{user | email: email}, user.email, url)
%{conn: log_in_user(conn, user), token: token, email: email, user: user}
test "updates the user email once", %{conn: conn, user: user, token: token, email: email} do
{:error, redirect} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings/confirm_email/#{token}")
assert {:live_redirect, %{to: path, flash: flash}} = redirect
assert path == ~p"/users/settings"
assert %{"info" => message} = flash
assert message == "Email changed successfully."
refute Accounts.get_user_by_email(user.email)
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email(email)
# use confirm token again
{:error, redirect} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings/confirm_email/#{token}")
assert {:live_redirect, %{to: path, flash: flash}} = redirect
assert path == ~p"/users/settings"
assert %{"error" => message} = flash
assert message == "Email change link is invalid or it has expired."
test "does not update email with invalid token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:error, redirect} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings/confirm_email/oops")
assert {:live_redirect, %{to: path, flash: flash}} = redirect
assert path == ~p"/users/settings"
assert %{"error" => message} = flash
assert message == "Email change link is invalid or it has expired."
assert Accounts.get_user_by_email(user.email)
test "redirects if user is not logged in", %{token: token} do
conn = build_conn()
{:error, redirect} = live(conn, ~p"/users/settings/confirm_email/#{token}")
assert {:redirect, %{to: path, flash: flash}} = redirect
assert path == ~p"/users/log_in"
assert %{"error" => message} = flash
assert message == "You must log in to access this page."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.UserAuthTest do
use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
alias Phoenix.LiveView
alias NotesApp.Accounts
alias NotesAppWeb.UserAuth
import NotesApp.AccountsFixtures
@remember_me_cookie "_notes_app_web_user_remember_me"
setup %{conn: conn} do
conn =
|> Map.replace!(:secret_key_base, NotesAppWeb.Endpoint.config(:secret_key_base))
|> init_test_session(%{})
%{user: user_fixture(), conn: conn}
describe "log_in_user/3" do
test "stores the user token in the session", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = UserAuth.log_in_user(conn, user)
assert token = get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert get_session(conn, :live_socket_id) == "users_sessions:#{Base.url_encode64(token)}"
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
assert Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token)
test "clears everything previously stored in the session", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> put_session(:to_be_removed, "value") |> UserAuth.log_in_user(user)
refute get_session(conn, :to_be_removed)
test "redirects to the configured path", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> put_session(:user_return_to, "/hello") |> UserAuth.log_in_user(user)
assert redirected_to(conn) == "/hello"
test "writes a cookie if remember_me is configured", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> fetch_cookies() |> UserAuth.log_in_user(user, %{"remember_me" => "true"})
assert get_session(conn, :user_token) == conn.cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
assert %{value: signed_token, max_age: max_age} = conn.resp_cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
assert signed_token != get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert max_age == 5_184_000
describe "logout_user/1" do
test "erases session and cookies", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
user_token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
conn =
|> put_session(:user_token, user_token)
|> put_req_cookie(@remember_me_cookie, user_token)
|> fetch_cookies()
|> UserAuth.log_out_user()
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
refute conn.cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
assert %{max_age: 0} = conn.resp_cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
refute Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(user_token)
test "broadcasts to the given live_socket_id", %{conn: conn} do
live_socket_id = "users_sessions:abcdef-token"
|> put_session(:live_socket_id, live_socket_id)
|> UserAuth.log_out_user()
assert_receive %Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast{event: "disconnect", topic: ^live_socket_id}
test "works even if user is already logged out", %{conn: conn} do
conn = conn |> fetch_cookies() |> UserAuth.log_out_user()
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert %{max_age: 0} = conn.resp_cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
describe "fetch_current_user/2" do
test "authenticates user from session", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
user_token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
conn = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> UserAuth.fetch_current_user([])
assert conn.assigns.current_user.id == user.id
test "authenticates user from cookies", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
logged_in_conn =
conn |> fetch_cookies() |> UserAuth.log_in_user(user, %{"remember_me" => "true"})
user_token = logged_in_conn.cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
%{value: signed_token} = logged_in_conn.resp_cookies[@remember_me_cookie]
conn =
|> put_req_cookie(@remember_me_cookie, signed_token)
|> UserAuth.fetch_current_user([])
assert conn.assigns.current_user.id == user.id
assert get_session(conn, :user_token) == user_token
assert get_session(conn, :live_socket_id) ==
test "does not authenticate if data is missing", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
_ = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
conn = UserAuth.fetch_current_user(conn, [])
refute get_session(conn, :user_token)
refute conn.assigns.current_user
describe "on_mount :mount_current_user" do
test "assigns current_user based on a valid user_token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
user_token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
session = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> get_session()
{:cont, updated_socket} =
UserAuth.on_mount(:mount_current_user, %{}, session, %LiveView.Socket{})
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user.id == user.id
test "assigns nil to current_user assign if there isn't a valid user_token", %{conn: conn} do
user_token = "invalid_token"
session = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> get_session()
{:cont, updated_socket} =
UserAuth.on_mount(:mount_current_user, %{}, session, %LiveView.Socket{})
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user == nil
test "assigns nil to current_user assign if there isn't a user_token", %{conn: conn} do
session = conn |> get_session()
{:cont, updated_socket} =
UserAuth.on_mount(:mount_current_user, %{}, session, %LiveView.Socket{})
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user == nil
describe "on_mount :ensure_authenticated" do
test "authenticates current_user based on a valid user_token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
user_token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
session = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> get_session()
{:cont, updated_socket} =
UserAuth.on_mount(:ensure_authenticated, %{}, session, %LiveView.Socket{})
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user.id == user.id
test "redirects to login page if there isn't a valid user_token", %{conn: conn} do
user_token = "invalid_token"
session = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> get_session()
socket = %LiveView.Socket{
endpoint: NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, flash: %{}}
{:halt, updated_socket} = UserAuth.on_mount(:ensure_authenticated, %{}, session, socket)
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user == nil
test "redirects to login page if there isn't a user_token", %{conn: conn} do
session = conn |> get_session()
socket = %LiveView.Socket{
endpoint: NotesAppWeb.Endpoint,
assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, flash: %{}}
{:halt, updated_socket} = UserAuth.on_mount(:ensure_authenticated, %{}, session, socket)
assert updated_socket.assigns.current_user == nil
describe "on_mount :redirect_if_user_is_authenticated" do
test "redirects if there is an authenticated user ", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
user_token = Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
session = conn |> put_session(:user_token, user_token) |> get_session()
assert {:halt, _updated_socket} =
test "doesn't redirect if there is no authenticated user", %{conn: conn} do
session = conn |> get_session()
assert {:cont, _updated_socket} =
describe "redirect_if_user_is_authenticated/2" do
test "redirects if user is authenticated", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> assign(:current_user, user) |> UserAuth.redirect_if_user_is_authenticated([])
assert conn.halted
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/"
test "does not redirect if user is not authenticated", %{conn: conn} do
conn = UserAuth.redirect_if_user_is_authenticated(conn, [])
refute conn.halted
refute conn.status
describe "require_authenticated_user/2" do
test "redirects if user is not authenticated", %{conn: conn} do
conn = conn |> fetch_flash() |> UserAuth.require_authenticated_user([])
assert conn.halted
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/users/log_in"
assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) ==
"You must log in to access this page."
test "stores the path to redirect to on GET", %{conn: conn} do
halted_conn =
%{conn | path_info: ["foo"], query_string: ""}
|> fetch_flash()
|> UserAuth.require_authenticated_user([])
assert halted_conn.halted
assert get_session(halted_conn, :user_return_to) == "/foo"
halted_conn =
%{conn | path_info: ["foo"], query_string: "bar=baz"}
|> fetch_flash()
|> UserAuth.require_authenticated_user([])
assert halted_conn.halted
assert get_session(halted_conn, :user_return_to) == "/foo?bar=baz"
halted_conn =
%{conn | path_info: ["foo"], query_string: "bar", method: "POST"}
|> fetch_flash()
|> UserAuth.require_authenticated_user([])
assert halted_conn.halted
refute get_session(halted_conn, :user_return_to)
test "does not redirect if user is authenticated", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = conn |> assign(:current_user, user) |> UserAuth.require_authenticated_user([])
refute conn.halted
refute conn.status

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
defmodule NotesAppWeb.ConnCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the test case to be used by
tests that require setting up a connection.
Such tests rely on `Phoenix.ConnTest` and also
import other functionality to make it easier
to build common data structures and query the data layer.
Finally, if the test case interacts with the database,
we enable the SQL sandbox, so changes done to the database
are reverted at the end of every test. If you are using
PostgreSQL, you can even run database tests asynchronously
by setting `use NotesAppWeb.ConnCase, async: true`, although
this option is not recommended for other databases.
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
# The default endpoint for testing
@endpoint NotesAppWeb.Endpoint
use NotesAppWeb, :verified_routes
# Import conveniences for testing with connections
import Plug.Conn
import Phoenix.ConnTest
import NotesAppWeb.ConnCase
setup tags do
{:ok, conn: Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn()}
@doc """
Setup helper that registers and logs in users.
setup :register_and_log_in_user
It stores an updated connection and a registered user in the
test context.
def register_and_log_in_user(%{conn: conn}) do
user = NotesApp.AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
%{conn: log_in_user(conn, user), user: user}
@doc """
Logs the given `user` into the `conn`.
It returns an updated `conn`.
def log_in_user(conn, user) do
token = NotesApp.Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user)
|> Phoenix.ConnTest.init_test_session(%{})
|> Plug.Conn.put_session(:user_token, token)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
defmodule NotesApp.DataCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the setup for tests requiring
access to the application's data layer.
You may define functions here to be used as helpers in
your tests.
Finally, if the test case interacts with the database,
we enable the SQL sandbox, so changes done to the database
are reverted at the end of every test. If you are using
PostgreSQL, you can even run database tests asynchronously
by setting `use NotesApp.DataCase, async: true`, although
this option is not recommended for other databases.
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
alias NotesApp.Repo
import Ecto
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
import NotesApp.DataCase
setup tags do
@doc """
Sets up the sandbox based on the test tags.
def setup_sandbox(tags) do
pid = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.start_owner!(NotesApp.Repo, shared: not tags[:async])
on_exit(fn -> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.stop_owner(pid) end)
@doc """
A helper that transforms changeset errors into a map of messages.
assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.create_user(%{password: "short"})
assert "password is too short" in errors_on(changeset).password
assert %{password: ["password is too short"]} = errors_on(changeset)
def errors_on(changeset) do
Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, fn {message, opts} ->
Regex.replace(~r"%{(\w+)}", message, fn _, key ->
opts |> Keyword.get(String.to_existing_atom(key), key) |> to_string()

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
defmodule NotesApp.AccountsFixtures do
@moduledoc """
This module defines test helpers for creating
entities via the `NotesApp.Accounts` context.
def unique_user_email, do: "user#{System.unique_integer()}@example.com"
def valid_user_password, do: "hello world!"
def valid_user_attributes(attrs \\ %{}) do
Enum.into(attrs, %{
email: unique_user_email(),
password: valid_user_password()
def user_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do
{:ok, user} =
|> valid_user_attributes()
|> NotesApp.Accounts.register_user()
def extract_user_token(fun) do
{:ok, captured_email} = fun.(&"[TOKEN]#{&1}[TOKEN]")
[_, token | _] = String.split(captured_email.text_body, "[TOKEN]")

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(NotesApp.Repo, :manual)