2024-11-26 21:16:11 +01:00

98 lines
2.8 KiB

(function (Prism) {
// Many of the following regexes will contain negated lookaheads like `[ \t]+(?![ \t])`. This is a trick to ensure
// that quantifiers behave *atomically*. Atomic quantifiers are necessary to prevent exponential backtracking.
var spaceAfterBackSlash = /\\[\r\n](?:\s|\\[\r\n]|#.*(?!.))*(?![\s#]|\\[\r\n])/.source;
// At least one space, comment, or line break
var space = /(?:[ \t]+(?![ \t])(?:<SP_BS>)?|<SP_BS>)/.source
.replace(/<SP_BS>/g, function () { return spaceAfterBackSlash; });
var string = /"(?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*"|'(?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*'/.source;
var option = /--[\w-]+=(?:<STR>|(?!["'])(?:[^\s\\]|\\.)+)/.source.replace(/<STR>/g, function () { return string; });
var stringRule = {
pattern: RegExp(string),
greedy: true
var commentRule = {
pattern: /(^[ \t]*)#.*/m,
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true
* @param {string} source
* @param {string} flags
* @returns {RegExp}
function re(source, flags) {
source = source
.replace(/<OPT>/g, function () { return option; })
.replace(/<SP>/g, function () { return space; });
return RegExp(source, flags);
Prism.languages.docker = {
'instruction': {
pattern: /(^[ \t]*)(?:ADD|ARG|CMD|COPY|ENTRYPOINT|ENV|EXPOSE|FROM|HEALTHCHECK|LABEL|MAINTAINER|ONBUILD|RUN|SHELL|STOPSIGNAL|USER|VOLUME|WORKDIR)(?=\s)(?:\\.|[^\r\n\\])*(?:\\$(?:\s|#.*$)*(?![\s#])(?:\\.|[^\r\n\\])*)*/im,
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true,
inside: {
'options': {
pattern: re(/(^(?:ONBUILD<SP>)?\w+<SP>)<OPT>(?:<SP><OPT>)*/.source, 'i'),
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true,
inside: {
'property': {
pattern: /(^|\s)--[\w-]+/,
lookbehind: true
'string': [
pattern: /(=)(?!["'])(?:[^\s\\]|\\.)+/,
lookbehind: true
'operator': /\\$/m,
'punctuation': /=/
'keyword': [
pattern: re(/(^(?:ONBUILD<SP>)?HEALTHCHECK<SP>(?:<OPT><SP>)*)(?:CMD|NONE)\b/.source, 'i'),
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true
pattern: re(/(^(?:ONBUILD<SP>)?FROM<SP>(?:<OPT><SP>)*(?!--)[^ \t\\]+<SP>)AS/.source, 'i'),
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true
pattern: re(/(^ONBUILD<SP>)\w+/.source, 'i'),
lookbehind: true,
greedy: true
pattern: /^\w+/,
greedy: true
'comment': commentRule,
'string': stringRule,
'variable': /\$(?:\w+|\{[^{}"'\\]*\})/,
'operator': /\\$/m
'comment': commentRule
Prism.languages.dockerfile = Prism.languages.docker;